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Finance Government Politics

Armenian Government Allocates 20 Million Drams for Maintenance of Judicial Office and Transportation Facilities

The government of the Republic of Armenia has made a significant decision regarding the allocation of funds to the Judicial Department. An amount of 20 million drams from the state budget will be provided to support the maintenance of the main office of the judicial authority and cover the costs of transportation facilities. This decision comes in light of recent investigations into corruption attempts related to the disposal of confiscated property by the head of the judicial authority. These investigations have involved 661 accessible objects with a total value of 34,641.0 million drams.

The implementation of this project will allow for the necessary measures to be taken in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the main office of the judicial authority, which falls under the jurisdiction of the property-confiscating head. A budget of 12 million drams has been allocated for this purpose. Additionally, a budget of 8 million drams will be used for the operations of the transportation facilities of the Judicial Department of the Republic of Armenia. These measures aim to support the proper functioning and efficiency of the judicial authority in Armenia.

This decision by the government reflects their commitment to combat corruption and maintain a fair and transparent judicial system in Armenia. By allocating these funds, they are providing the necessary resources to ensure that the main office of the judicial authority can effectively carry out its responsibilities. Furthermore, the allocation for transportation facilities demonstrates the government’s dedication to providing the necessary infrastructure for the judiciary to operate smoothly.

Overall, this news highlights the government’s proactive stance in addressing corruption within the judicial system and their commitment to upholding the principles of justice in Armenia. By providing the funds needed for the maintenance of the main office and transportation facilities, the government is taking concrete steps to support the efficiency and effectiveness of the judicial authority. This decision sets a positive precedent for transparency and accountability within the judicial sector, ultimately benefiting the citizens of Armenia.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.