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“Sign of Goodwill: Armenia and Azerbaijan to Exchange Prisoners of War in Gazakh-Ijevan Swap”

Today, the exchange of military personnel between Armenia and Azerbaijan is set to take place within five days, specifically between the regions of Gazakh and Ijevan. The Turan agency has made this announcement. It is expected that Azerbaijan will release 32 Armenian prisoners, while Armenia will release two Azerbaijani prisoners of war.

In December 2020, Armenian prisoners of war were detained in the Tavush region of Armenia. Subsequently, they were detained in various parts of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, including Karabakh.

It is worth remembering that on December 7, the statement of the Prime Minister’s staff of the Republic of Armenia and the President’s staff of the Republic of Azerbaijan was published. The statement specifically mentioned the release of prisoners of war as a result of humanitarian considerations and in the spirit of goodwill.

This development marks an important step towards peace and reconciliation between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as both countries work towards resolving their long-standing conflicts.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.