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“Budapest Ready to Lift Veto on EU Assistance to Ukraine, But with Conditions”

Budapest is prepared to lift the veto placed on the new package of assistance to Ukraine, but with one condition. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated in an interview with Bloomberg that they will only remove the veto if Brussels suspends the frozen instruments that ensure compliance with the rule of law in Ukraine. This comes as European leaders are set to make a historic decision this week on Hungary’s involvement in EU assistance to Ukraine and present a donation of 50 billion euros. However, Orban emphasized that Hungary’s financial support for Ukraine and the EU’s financial support for Ukraine are separate issues.

The European Union has plans to allocate 10 billion euros from EU funds as a guarantee for the consolidation of judicial reforms implemented by Budapest in cooperation with Brussels. However, approximately 11.7 billion euros remain frozen due to concerns regarding the protection of human rights. Additionally, Budapest is also awaiting 10.4 billion euros from the EU Recovery Fund as compensation for the impact of the coronavirus, to be received in collaboration with European partners.

In a significant move, the Prime Minister’s assistant declared that Budapest will withdraw its veto if Brussels transfers all the frozen funds totaling around 30 billion euros. Orban’s decision is based on the understanding that Hungary’s participation in Ukraine’s accession to the EU is a red line for Budapest. In response, Orban announced that Kyiv should consider cooperating with Hungary in the defense sector, as Ukraine has failed to meet the milestones required for EU participation.

This news update comes from Armenia –