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International Military Politics

Germany Hinders Sale of Eurofighter Aircraft to Turkey, says Turkish National Security Chief

Turkey’s efforts to purchase Eurofighter aircraft from Britain and Spain have not yet been successful due to opposition from Germany, according to Turkey’s head of national security, Yaşar Güler. In an interview with N-tv television, Güler stated that Turkey has been interested in the Eurofighter for the past few years and sees it as a viable alternative for their defense capabilities. However, Germany, as a partner in the production of Eurofighter, is obstructing the sale. Güler expressed optimism that the issue will eventually be resolved.

Güler further elaborated that Germany has been presenting various pretexts to obstruct the sale, such as concerns about how Turkey plans to use the aircraft. Despite Turkey’s significant defense capabilities and willingness to see Germany as a partner and ally, Germany’s opposition remains. Güler emphasized that Turkey is not currently engaged in negotiations for the purchase of F-16 fighters from the United States, and that there are no problems from their perspective.

It was also reported that Turkey had previously requested the modernization of 40 F-16s from the United States, but negotiations regarding this matter have been completed. Additionally, a letter from US Secretary of Defense James Mattis was delivered to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, offering dialogue and expressing the US Congress’s opposition to Turkey’s participation in the Swedish group of associations within NATO. Turkey’s intention to purchase 40 Eurofighter fighters, initially 20 and later another 20, is awaiting permission from Germany as a participant in the production of Eurofighter.

These developments highlight the ongoing challenges and negotiations involved in international defense acquisitions. Turkey remains hopeful that its interests in acquiring Eurofighter aircraft will be met, despite the current opposition from Germany. As the issue continues to be resolved, it will be interesting to see how the dynamics between these nations evolve.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.