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“Former Prime Minister Gagik Khachatryan Requests Fair Trial Amidst Excessive Criticism”

Former Prime Minister Gagik Khachatryan made a statement today, December 11, in the Yerevan General Jurisdiction Court, emphasizing his adherence to the law and dispelling any allegations of illegal activities. Khachatryan expressed his desire for fair judgment and requested that excessive criticism be avoided. He also referred to the biased judge and expressed confidence that the trial would unfold impartially, allowing the facts to speak for themselves.

The ongoing trial regarding Khachatryan’s change of custody has raised concerns about biased treatment. His defense attorney, Erem Sarkisyan, pointed out that not only is his client being denied a fair defense, but he also has serious health issues that require urgent medical attention. Sarkisyan stressed the importance of allowing Khachatryan to receive the necessary treatment in a hospital.

Khachatryan appeared in court with immediate assistance from detention, highlighting the urgency of the situation. It is crucial to note that both Gagik Khachatryan and his co-defendant Karen Khachatryan are facing charges of abuse of authority, embezzlement, and misappropriation of state property. However, they vehemently deny these allegations and have actively cooperated with the ongoing investigation. In 2019, while in Germany, Gagik Khachatryan received urgent medical treatment before returning to Armenia and presenting himself to the investigating authorities.

These developments in the trial of former Prime Minister Gagik Khachatryan underscore the need for a fair and unbiased legal process. It is essential that the court proceedings remain objective and allow for a comprehensive evaluation of the evidence presented. The health concerns raised by Khachatryan’s defense counsel also warrant careful attention, as they could impact the defendant’s ability to fully participate in his own defense. The ultimate aim should be to ensure justice is served, adhering to the principles of the law and respecting the rights of all parties involved.

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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.