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“Fatal Fire Breaks Out in Yerevan Apartment: Tragic Loss in Lepsius Street Incident”

On December 10th, at 15:19, a fire broke out in an apartment located in building number 21 on Lepsius Street in Yerevan. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia reported the incident to the national emergency center. The rescue department of the Rescue Service of Yerevan City Municipality, along with two fire trucks, firefighters, and rescue workers, successfully managed the situation. By 15:53, the fire was contained and eventually extinguished at 16:08. Sadly, the fire caused the death of S.M., who was born in 1948. The living room and the kitchen, covering an area of 30 sq. m, were affected, while the balcony suffered damage amounting to 7 sq. m.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.