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International Politics

“Azerbaijan’s Aggression in Artsakh: A Year of Human Rights Violations Exposed Before the World”

Throughout this year, we have witnessed a series of alarming human rights violations that have left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness. One particularly disconcerting instance is Azerbaijan’s intensified aggression towards our 120,000 compatriots in Artsakh, which has persisted for over nine grueling months. In addition to these acts of aggression, the Azerbaijani government has relentlessly pursued a policy of blockade and expulsion against the diaspora, resorting to military force to suppress their rights and subjecting them to physical and emotional trauma. These distressing events unfolded right before the eyes of the global community.

Armenian ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arman Tatoyan, shed light on these egregious abuses during his interview with MIPT Homeland Protection International Day. He emphasized the urgent need for concerted action, stating that our government’s utmost responsibility lies in being a staunch defender of our rights. To fulfill this role effectively, our government must remain independent from political influences and demonstrate empathy, accountability, and a resolute commitment to upholding human values. Tatoyan implored us to embrace new goals and aspirations, undeterred by obstacles or limitations, as we strive for personal fulfillment and a nation that wholeheartedly respects human rights.