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“Microbiologist Discovers Natural Substances that Could Increase Human Lifespan”

Microbiologist Khuan Pedro de Magalyan from Birmingham University has presented the results of his recent studies, which suggest that the life span of humans can be increased through the use of certain natural substances. According to the scientist, these substances can contribute to the regeneration and quantity of the human population. Interestingly, the short duration of an individual’s life is not as important for rapid multiplication. Therefore, over the course of evolution, the genes responsible for the duration of human life may have become unnecessary. It seems that microorganisms and insects, which have evolved from dinosaurs, are more resistant to aging than humans. This could be attributed to their shorter life spans and the fact that they didn’t require a bonus of not dying from hunger.

To avoid becoming victims of microbes, bacteria have developed unique “fermences” that activate the process of detoxification within their organisms, specifically by shielding themselves from ultraviolet radiation. Their backs turn towards the sun, which improves their chances of survival during daylight hours. In a similar fashion, small dinosaurs that lived during the Jurassic period led a nocturnal life, requiring them to also acquire this ability to survive. Today, humans resort to the use of sunglasses due to the small quantities of ultraviolet radiation present in the world.

Nature provides us with numerous examples of natural reproduction that can serve as valuable lessons. However, our distant ancestors were fortunate enough to possess the intellect to listen, observe, and learn from one another. Though there is not much in their genetic code that could have directly contributed to a longer life span, it is known that they worked tirelessly to strengthen themselves and become the best versions of themselves. Similarly, in present times, talented researchers are diligently working to find ways to extend the human life span.

This article provides an intriguing perspective into the possibilities of increasing the life span of humans through the use of natural substances. Microbiologist Khuan Pedro de Magalyan’s studies shed light on the potential of these substances to enhance regeneration and population growth. Furthermore, the comparison to microorganisms and insects that evolved from dinosaurs highlights the greater resistance to aging in these small creatures. The article also delves into the unique strategies adopted by bacteria and small dinosaurs to protect themselves from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Ultimately, it emphasizes the importance of learning from nature and the efforts being made by researchers to uncover ways to prolong human life.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.