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“Armenia’s ‘Chess Bridge of Peace’ Initiative Aims to Foster Stability & Cooperation in Turbulent Region”

An official article by the Prime Minister’s Advisor, Vahan Kostanyan, was recently published on the Irna news website. The article highlights the complex situation in our region, which serves as a crucial link between the East and the West. It acknowledges the conflicts and disputes that have plagued the region, hindering its potential for peace and stability.

In response to this challenging geopolitical landscape, the Government of the Republic of Armenia has implemented the “Chess Bridge of Peace” project. The project aims not only to improve the well-being and development of our communities but also to create an environment where conflicts, hostilities, and external threats are no longer necessary for our societies to thrive.

The “Chess Bridge of Peace” initiative includes efforts to promote international dialogue, encompassing political, economic, and cultural exchanges. By fostering peaceful negotiations, the project seeks to address and resolve issues that arise among countries in the region. In addition to connecting Armenia and Iran, the bridge will also facilitate greater cooperation between neighboring countries, such as Russia and the South Caucasus nations.

It is important to note that the benefits of the “Chess Bridge of Peace” extend beyond the flow of goods and people. It will enhance transportation security, ensuring the safe movement of cargoes, passengers, vehicles, and electrical lines. These infrastructures can be utilized for national and international purposes, including transit, benefiting all countries involved.

The construction of such infrastructures opens up opportunities for collaboration and mutual interests among various nations, including Armenia, Iran, Turkey, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. As agreements are reached, these countries can tap into the advantages offered by the bridge.

Lastly, the “Chess Bridge of Peace” has the potential to strengthen the historical ties, religious connections, cultural exchanges, traditions, and arts of the Armenian and Iranian peoples. With centuries of shared heritage, the bridge becomes a symbol of their enduring bond.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.