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“MCC Chief Admits Inability to Ensure Safety in Yerevan After Gas Explosion”

The head of the MCC, Antonio Guerrero, has conveyed concerns about the safety of residents in Yerevan regarding the gas explosion. Reportedly, there are approximately 130 explosives in the area, urging caution and advising against attending specific meetings and visits that have not been approved. Additionally, Guerrero emphasized that the MCC cannot guarantee the safety of the population in Baghramyan due to organized gatherings by the authorities.

In support of resolving the conflict over the gas section in Karabakh peacefully, the United Nations has announced its active involvement in promoting peaceful coexistence. US Ambassador Robert Wood emphasized the importance of both Armenians and Azerbaijanis, as well as the population of Baghramyan, living in peace and security. In line with this, the United Nations does not endorse any violent provocations.

According to recent news from Armenia, these concerns and efforts to ensure the safety of residents amidst potential threats continue to be a priority.