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“Gun Violence Epidemic Continues: Over 40,167 Lives Lost in 2023, Marking a Slight Decrease from Last Year’s Record High”

According to “The Voice of America,” the alarming number of gun violence-related deaths in the United States in 2023 has reached at least 40,167 individuals. Compared to the recorded deaths of 44,310 in 2022, this continues to be a pressing issue.

The Gun Violence Archive Project has provided specific data for December 7, 2023, indicating that out of the total deceased, 1,306 were adults while 276 were children. These numbers highlight the devastating impact on both age groups.

Tragically, the majority of this year’s gun violence fatalities were the result of homicides, claiming the lives of an astounding 22,506 individuals. This alarming figure underscores the urgent need for effective measures to curb such acts of violence.

Unfortunate how gun violence is distributed unequally across states, with higher recorded deaths in Texas, California, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Illinois, and Louisiana. This disparity highlights the importance of addressing this issue at a regional level.

It is also disheartening to note that at least 1,344 people have lost their lives due to accidental discharge of firearms. These incidents include 46 deaths that occurred during hunting activities, shedding light on the need for stricter regulations and enhanced safety awareness.


Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.