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Minister of High Tech Industry Represents Armenia at UNIDO Conference, Emphasizing Artistic and Technological Innovations

The Minister of High Tech Industry of Armenia, David Sahakyan, recently participated in the 20th session of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) General Conference in Vienna. During the conference, Sahakyan also attended a thematic session on “AIM Global: Integration of Artistic and Scientific Creativity in Innovation and Production within the Framework of Digitalization” as a speaker. In his presentation, the Minister highlighted the ongoing efforts of the Armenian government in integrating artistic and scientific creativity in management, emphasizing the positive impact of artistic and technological innovations on various sectors of the economy.

This participation in the UNIDO General Conference showcases Armenia’s commitment to fostering innovation and creativity in the high-tech industry. By actively engaging in discussions and sharing their experiences, the Armenian government aims to contribute to the global dialogue on harnessing the potential of art and science in driving economic growth.

Sahakyan’s presentation at the thematic session further emphasized the importance of integrating artistic and scientific approaches in innovation and production processes. He highlighted the role of creativity in driving technological advancements and emphasized that combining artistic and scientific perspectives can lead to groundbreaking ideas and solutions.

The Minister’s speech also shed light on the various initiatives and programs implemented by the Armenian government to promote the integration of art and science. These initiatives aim to foster collaboration between artists, designers, scientists, and technologists, encouraging them to work together to create cutting-edge innovations that have practical applications in the economy.

Armenia’s commitment to the integration of artistic and scientific creativity in the management of the high-tech industry will surely pave the way for further advancements and economic development. By recognizing the symbiotic relationship between art and technology, Armenia is positioning itself as a hub for innovation and creativity, making significant contributions to the global technological landscape.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.