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Crime Politics

“Armenia’s National Security and Defense Committee addresses concerns with RA Police, aims for resolution”

Officials from the National Security and Defense Committee in Armenia have raised concerns about alleged violations involving institutions under the jurisdiction of the RA Police. Andranik Kocharyan, the head of the committee, expressed confidence in resolving the issue but acknowledged confusion within Armenian society regarding the relationship between Armenia and Russia. In response to questions, Kocharyan stated that tensions exist only at the bureaucratic level and that any issues would be resolved. He also highlighted the inconsistency in accusations made against Russia, emphasizing that when problems arose, there were no complaints about political considerations, yet now that the situation has improved, the same accusations are repeated.

This news from Armenia clearly reflects the ongoing efforts to address concerns related to alleged violations. The officials involved are working towards a resolution with the RA Police, which has jurisdiction over the relevant institutions. Andranik Kocharyan, head of the National Security and Defense Committee, expressed confidence in the success of their efforts. However, there seems to be some confusion within Armenian society regarding the relationship between Armenia and Russia, as well as the activities of the officials involved. Despite this, Kocharyan emphasized that the situation in Armenia today is transparently linked to the RA Police, and they are waiting for the Police to fulfill their obligations.

When questioned about the current tension in Armenia-Russia relations, Kocharyan clarified that it exists only at the bureaucratic level. He explained that certain factions within the Police have differences of opinion, while in Russia, military operatives report on important issues. Nevertheless, he assured that any tensions in Armenian-Russian relations will be resolved without exception. Kocharyan also highlighted the inconsistency in accusations against Russia, pointing out that when Larisa’s case faced problems, there were no complaints about political considerations. However, now that Larisa is acting normally, the same accusation is repeated.

The latest news from Armenia sheds light on the ongoing efforts to address the alleged violations involving institutions under the jurisdiction of the RA Police. Andranik Kocharyan, who heads the National Security and Defense Committee, expressed optimism about resolving the issue successfully. However, there seems to be some confusion within Armenian society regarding the relationship between Armenia and Russia, as well as the activities of the officials involved. Kocharyan emphasized the transparent link between the current situation in Armenia and the responsibilities of the RA Police, urging them to fulfill their obligations.

Regarding the tension in Armenia-Russia relations, Kocharyan clarified that it is primarily at the bureaucratic level. He acknowledged differing opinions within certain factions of the Police, while also noting the presence of military operatives in Russia reporting on important matters concerning Armenia. Despite any existing tensions, Kocharyan assured that Armenian-Russian relations would be resolved without exception. Additionally, he highlighted the inconsistency in accusations against Russia, noting that when problems arose in Larisa’s case, there were no complaints about political considerations. However, now that Larisa’s situation has improved, the same accusations resurface.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.