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Armenian Government Commits to Halt Amulsar Mine Operations and Implement New Environmental Assessment, Declares Committee on Constitutional Court

The Armenian government has committed to discontinuing work on the Amulsar gold mine and implementing a new Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). This decision was made during the 43rd meeting of the Committee on Convening a Constitutional Court, which addressed the issue of Amulsar. The Amulsar mine is of crucial importance as it is bound by international documents on environmental protection that are applicable to all European Union members. In light of this, Armenia, as a member of the Convention, has certain obligations regarding the EIA process.

The evaluations and assessments presented during the meeting are significant for the protection of Amulsar. Among these, it was concluded that the Armenian government must immediately halt the exploitation of the Amulsar gold mine due to its potential negative impact on the area’s biodiversity and habitat, regardless of its inclusion in the Amulsar Concession Area of the Environmental Impact Assessment. The committee also highlighted the presence of valuable minerals and highlighted the region’s resistive metallic formation.

Furthermore, it was recommended that the Armenian government expedite the establishment of a National Park in Jermuk, which includes the Amulsar mountain. The creation of Jermuk and Gorayk Environmental Protection Areas was proposed as a guarantee in the framework of the environmental impact assessment, highlighting the unique ecological value of the area. The committee expressed concern that the decision regarding the establishment of an ecological network might be politically motivated instead of being based on ecological considerations.

The processes related to the Amulsar mine and the EIA process must involve public participation, unlike past closed-door judgments. The committee suggests clarifying Armenia’s international obligations and considering the evaluations of local experts, as well as the potential consequences of transboundary impacts.

The Armenian government should also hasten the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the 208th and 157th decisions of the Constitutional Court. In case changes to the EIA process of the Amulsar Concession Area are implemented, technical support from the committee should be sought. The Amulsar Committee is willing to conduct a fact-finding mission to Armenia to assess the situation, with a preliminary presentation of the progress of the EIA and the Constitutional Court’s decision on Amulsar by 2024.

The full decision of the Committee on Convening a Constitutional Court regarding Amulsar can be found on the Council of Europe’s website. It emphasizes the need for the government to cease the real effects of the binding international environmental agreement and consider the will of society, along with any political developments. It is worth noting that the implementation of the committee’s decision has resulted in damage, including legal actions against journalists and academics, and the arbitrary and unprofessional conduct of judicial actions. Such actions have been seen as threats to national solidarity.

The Committee reiterates its 208th and 157th decisions and urges the Armenian government to cooperate with its technical assistance, providing regular updates on the progress of the implementation of the EIA of the Amulsar Concession Area.

Sources: News from Armenia

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.