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“Member of Parliament’s Housing Solution Offer for Artsakh Displaced Armenians Rejected: A Political Agenda?”

I had offered to solve the housing issue for our compatriots displaced from Artsakh and provide them with funds, but unfortunately, my offer was rejected. Today, on December 6, during a meeting with journalists in the National Assembly, Tatevik Hayrapetyan, a member of the “I Have Honor” bloc, stated that since 2020, 20,000 Armenians from Artsakh who have returned to Armenia do not have housing. To address this issue, she had proposed providing assistance. Hayrapetyan suggested allocating 20 million drams to each family, approximately 50 thousand dollars, on the condition that they buy or build houses outside of Yerevan.

Hayrapetyan also highlighted that since the 2020 war, 3763 Artsakh citizens have received an ID card, but only 1735 have managed to secure housing, indicating that this approach does not adequately solve the problem. She expressed concern over the increasing number of people emigrating from Artsakh and suggested that there may be a political agenda to prevent Artsakh residents from staying in Armenia.

According to Hayrapetyan, the government programs aimed at supporting Artsakh residents are not sufficient. She emphasized that obtaining Armenian citizenship is a requirement for individuals to find work, and this creates a barrier for the residents of Artsakh who have retained their Artsakh passports. Hayrapetyan believes that the current slogans and speeches do not effectively address the challenges faced by the Artsakh residents.

Hayrapetyan views the rejection of her proposal as a political distrust and suggests that there may be a deliberate effort to prevent Artsakh residents from obtaining housing in Armenia. She believes that while becoming a city resident is a different matter, the requirement to become one in order to work creates additional obstacles for the Artsakh Armenians.

This issue highlights the ongoing challenges faced by displaced Armenians from Artsakh and the urgent need for comprehensive solutions to address their housing and employment needs. It is crucial for the government to ensure that assistance is provided to these individuals so they can rebuild their lives and find stability in Armenia.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.