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Yerevan Mayor’s Spokesman Denies Rumors of Public Transport Fare Increase: Officials to Hold Comprehensive Discussions instead

The Yerevan Mayor’s spokesperson, Hayk Konstantinyan, has denied the information circulating in the media and social networks today about a potential increase in public transport fares. He stated that the Yerevan Municipality is currently not considering any discussions regarding fare increases. However, he mentioned that comprehensive talks will be conducted in the near future to address the improvement of the unified ticket system, the development of the transport network, and the implementation of technical measures to enhance transportation safety. These discussions will also encompass fare packages and other related matters at various social levels. Konstantinyan assured that any official information regarding these discussions will be officially announced by the Yerevan Municipality.

This announcement comes as a response to the speculations surrounding a projected increase in public transport fares from the current 100 drams to 150 drams. The denial by Hayk Konstantinyan aims to clarify the situation and alleviate concerns among the public.

The Yerevan Municipality is focused on actively working towards the improvement of the city’s transportation system. Recognizing the importance of providing efficient and safe services to the residents of Yerevan, comprehensive discussions will be held to identify areas that require attention and develop strategies for enhancement.

One of the key areas of focus in these discussions will be the unified ticket system. The Yerevan Municipality aims to create an integrated and user-friendly ticketing system that can cater to the diverse needs of the public. By implementing a streamlined ticketing process, the municipality aims to simplify the travel experience for commuters and ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey.

Moreover, the development of the transport network will also be a critical aspect of the discussions. The Yerevan Municipality intends to analyze the existing infrastructure and identify areas that require improvement. By expanding and optimizing the transport network, the municipality aims to enhance accessibility and connectivity within the city, making it easier for residents to commute to their desired destinations.

Additionally, the municipality will focus on implementing technical improvement measures to ensure comprehensive transportation safety. This includes the evaluation and enhancement of existing safety protocols, the introduction of new technologies, and the implementation of effective contingency plans. By prioritizing safety measures, the Yerevan Municipality aims to provide a secure environment for commuters and reduce the risks associated with public transportation.

The discussions will also address fare packages, taking into consideration various social levels. The Yerevan Municipality aims to create a fare system that is equitable and accommodates the diverse socio-economic backgrounds of the city’s residents. By offering fare packages tailored to specific social groups, the municipality aims to ensure accessibility and affordability for all.

In order to provide accurate and timely information to the public, the Yerevan Municipality commits to officially announcing any updates or decisions resulting from these discussions. By keeping the public informed, the municipality aims to foster transparency and trust in their efforts to improve the public transportation system in Yerevan.

In conclusion, the Yerevan Mayor’s spokesperson, Hayk Konstantinyan, has clarified that there are currently no plans to increase public transport fares in Yerevan. However, comprehensive discussions will be held in the near future to address the improvement of the unified ticket system, the development of the transport network, and the implementation of technical measures to enhance transportation safety. The Yerevan Municipality is committed to providing official updates on these discussions, ensuring transparency and involving the public in the decision-making process.