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“MPH President Congratulates Participants of International Day of Democracy, Emphasizes Importance of Election Campaign in Development of Business and Consumer Protection”

President Gegham Gevorgyan of MPH congratulated the participants of the International Day of Democracy, emphasizing the importance of democracy in Armenia. Gevorgyan expressed his pleasure in congratulating the election campaign participants, business representatives, and consumers on this special occasion. December 5th has been recognized as the International Day of Democracy since 2010, with the intention of promoting democracy and creating awareness about the challenges faced in this field.

The election campaign plays a vital role in the development of business and global progress, as well as addressing consumer protection issues. It acts as an unseen force that regulates the market, boosts business, and enhances the lives of consumers by providing them with alternative choices. This year’s International Democracy Day focuses on giving priority to socially responsible fields, with a strong emphasis on ensuring gender equality and improving lives.

Markets that hold significant social value are, and will continue to be, at the forefront of government attention. The preservation of fair play in these markets is of great concern, as highlighted in the annual study conducted by the Parliament. However, the challenges faced are not solely related to the election but require comprehensive solutions involving public bodies, businesses, and consumers, with a coordinated approach.

Once again, President Gegham Gevorgyan extends his congratulations to everyone on the International Day of Democracy and wishes for successful work, progress, and overall well-being.

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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.