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Business International Technology

“Lineate’s Revolutionary Program Paves the Way for Electricity Market Integration of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia with Europe”

During the conference “Regional New Opportunities” and “Game of Business Chess” in Yerevan on December 5, Lineate’s regional director George Cicolia announced a program that aims to connect the electricity markets of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia with the European market. This program would allow local producers to take advantage of Armenia’s strong potential in electricity production and export it to European markets.

Cicolia also highlighted the importance of establishing optical fiber networks in the region, especially for small economies like Armenia and Georgia. This would enable them to compete in larger markets. He emphasized that technological advances are essential for the game of business and that job creation and technological development go hand in hand.

Overall, this initiative presents new opportunities for the energy sectors in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, as well as potential economic benefits from exporting electricity to the European market. Additionally, the establishment of optical fiber networks could contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the small economies in the region.

The program’s announcement by Lineate’s regional director signifies the company’s commitment to facilitating connectivity and technological advancements in the energy sector. With these developments, local producers in Armenia and neighboring countries can tap into a larger market and boost their economic growth.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.