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Crime World News

“Extremists Busted: Italy Puts an End to Online Radical Islam Spreading”

Extremists in Italy have been arrested by authorities for their involvement in spreading radical Islamic propaganda online. The individuals were linked to well-known terrorist groups such as “Islamic Jihad,” “Islamic State,” and “Al-Qaeda.” This discovery shed light on the presence of these terrorist organizations in the city of Brescia in northern Italy.

The arrested individuals are citizens of Pakistan but have been residing in Italy. They had been under surveillance since October 2022 and were eventually uncovered by the news agency Ansa.

Italy’s Interior Minister, Matteo Piantedosi, had previously alerted the public about the country’s high state of alert following recent terrorist attacks in Paris. Unfortunately, these attacks resulted in the death of one German national and injuries to two others.

It is crucial for authorities to remain vigilant and take swift action against those spreading extremist ideologies online. Such arrests play a significant role in protecting innocent lives and ensuring the safety and security of the community.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.