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“Russian Foreign Minister: Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Unlikely to Escalate into Regional Conflict, Protests Remain Peaceful”

According to Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Alexandrov, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is unlikely to escalate into a regional conflict. He believes that the protests have largely been peaceful and all parties involved are showing restraint. While Iran has been issuing provocative statements, they are currently limited to using proxies for attacks.

Alexandrov states that there won’t be significant clashes from Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed movements, and any small-scale skirmishes would not have major implications. The United States is sending a message to Israel, urging them to limit their actions.

Alexandrov also believes that Israel could take advantage of the current situation and initiate military operations against Armenia. He explains that the international community’s attention has shifted away from the Middle East due to tensions between Russia and Ukraine, making it a potential opportunity for Israel. Additionally, the situation in northern Syria is unpredictable, and Tehran is currently dealing with internal conflicts, which may limit their actions.

It remains unclear whether Tehran will intervene in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. As for Russia’s stance, there is no available information at this time. However, it’s important to note that Russia is actively implementing a foreign policy on behalf of Armenia.

This information was shared by Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Alexandrov in an interview with