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“The Government Grants Education Scholarship Extensions for Nver Baghdasaryan and Goncor Kareni Nahapetyan Amid Military Service”

The government has recently made the decision to extend the term for receiving significant scholarships in the field of education and science to Nver Baghdasaryan. Nver, who is currently undergoing compulsory military service, was born on June 15, 2002 and is a student at the Yerevan State University named after John Heifetz. This extension comes as a result of the information provided by the authorized body within the allotted timeframe. However, it should be noted that this extension does not include financial arrangements for military personnel who have declared their intention in the field of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports.

In addition to that decision, the government has also extended the term for Goncor Kareni Nahapetyan. Goncor, born on September 8, 2003, is a resident of Canada and a student at the British Columbia College. Similar to Nver, Goncor is currently undergoing compulsory military service. The extension of this term is based on the same criteria as that of Nver Baghdasaryan.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.