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“Mountainous Karabakh’s Peace Agreement Brings Armenia and Mediators into the Spotlight”

The peace agreement reached in September between Armenia and the mountainous region of Karabakh has put both Armenia and international mediators in the spotlight, according to Jeyhun Bayramov, Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister. During a meeting of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, Bayramov accused Armenia of attempting to provoke and wasting time for military purposes, while also criticizing the mediators for encouraging the enemy. He emphasized that now is the time for both Armenia and Azerbaijan to seize the opportunity for peace.

It is important to recall that on September 19, the Azerbaijani army violated the truce along the entire contact line, using various types of weapons. This act of aggression resulted in the loss of many lives, including civilians. Furthermore, due to the large-scale aggression by Azerbaijan, over 100,000 people were compelled to flee Artsakh to avoid the threats posed by Azerbaijan, opting not to remain in the Republic of Armenia.

Armenia News –

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