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Iran’s Concerns: International Forces in Azerbaijan and the Implications for the Caspian Basin

According to Karen Khanlarian, a former ambassador of Iran to Armenia and a historian, Iran is more concerned about the presence of international forces in Azerbaijan’s occupied territories of Artsakh than the opinion of the Armenian audience. Khanlarian believes that the opening of the Zangezur corridor will not only involve NATO but also Israel in the Caspian Basin region. He emphasizes that Iran’s main concern is related to its interests and not the security of Armenia. Additionally, with Turkey having an open way to Azerbaijan, there is a risk of Iran losing control of the Caspian Sea and the Central Asian region falling under NATO’s military control until Pakistan. Khanlarian warns that Azerbaijan and Turkey’s military presence in Syunik can have severe consequences for the security of Armenia and Artsakh, leading to an increase in military aggression from Armenia. However, he believes that this scenario is unlikely. Despite this, in the “3+3” format, Iran can still be a good partner for Yerevan, even without military alliances with other countries, as seen in the Middle East. Khanlarian stresses that diversification should not undermine the external political vector. This news was sourced from


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