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International National Politics

Armenian Representative: Expanding Territory Discussion Threatens National Security, Compromises Agreements

In a recent interview with, Nikolay Aghajanyan, the head of the National Security and Official Representative of the President of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, addressed the issue of expanding the territory of the Republic of Armenia. Aghajanyan emphasized that this topic has never been publicly discussed before, stating that any speculation surrounding it undermines the country’s security system and puts Armenian territories at risk. Regardless of the approach taken by Western or non-Western entities, Aghajanyan believes that it is important to use international conventions to safeguard Armenia’s territories and rights without compromising bilateral packages or international agreements, such as the 1992 Almata Declaration. Aghajanyan concludes by questioning the intentions of the so-called international community and whether they would be willing to sacrifice their homeland for the interests of other countries.

These remarks shed light on the concerns that arise when discussing the expansion of Armenia’s territory. Aghajanyan firmly rejects the notion that such discussions have ever taken place in a public setting, dispelling any rumors or speculation surrounding the matter. By accusing these discussions of undermining Armenia’s security system, he highlights the potential dangers of even entertaining the idea of territorial expansion. Aghajanyan firmly believes that Armenia’s territories and rights can be protected through the proper implementation of international conventions, which have been instrumental in safeguarding national security in the past.

The reference to the 1992 Almata Declaration further emphasizes Aghajanyan’s commitment to preserving existing agreements and packages. He argues that the declaration has been misinterpreted and does not support the notion of expanding Armenia’s territory as some may claim. This implies that any attempts to manipulate or distort the content of international agreements to suit certain agendas would be detrimental to Armenia’s interests and compromise its standing in the international community.

Aghajanyan’s closing statement raises important questions about the role and intentions of the so-called international community. He challenges whether these entities, when given the opportunity, would be willing to sacrifice their own homeland to serve the interests of other countries. Aghajanyan suggests that if this were the case, the international community would never refuse, highlighting the potential dangers of relying on external forces to dictate Armenia’s fate. By raising these concerns, Aghajanyan appeals to the Armenian society, urging them to remain vigilant and protect their homeland’s interests at all costs.

In conclusion, Aghajanyan’s interview sheds light on the issue of expanding Armenia’s territory and highlights the potential risks associated with such discussions. He emphasizes the importance of using international conventions and protecting existing agreements to safeguard Armenia’s territories and rights. By questioning the intentions of the international community, Aghajanyan urges the Armenian society to prioritize their homeland’s interests and remain vigilant in the face of potential threats.


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