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“Barcelona Beaches Plagued by Massive Sewage Pollution, Urgent Action Needed”

The beaches of Barcelona have been heavily polluted with 150 thousand metric tons of sewage over the past 13 years, as reported by the Russian Association of Tour Operators to Barcelona Cyclist of the Water (BCASA) head, Sergey Timashenko. This pollution has worsened the water situation in Barcelona since November, prompting Timashenko to call for immediate action. He mentioned that there are four sources of sewage causing the pollution in Barcelona, but reassured that the problem is expected to be resolved by 2025. The central administration is focusing on beach restoration, with tenders scheduled until 2025 based on CZMA data. The most recent tenders were held in 2010.

This news has raised concerns about the impact of the pollution on the local beaches and the health risks it poses for beachgoers. Barcelona, known for its beautiful coastline, has become a favored tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world. However, with the alarming levels of pollution in the water, it is crucial that immediate measures are taken to address this issue and restore the pristine condition of the beaches.

According to Sergey Timashenko, the pollution in Barcelona has been caused by four separate sources of sewage. Although the causes have been identified, it is disheartening to hear that it will take until 2025 to resolve the problem fully. The beach purchases currently taking place are seen as a step towards solving this issue. Tenders have been scheduled until 2025, indicating the central administration’s commitment to restoring the beaches to their former glory.

However, with the water situation worsening since November, it is evident that urgent action is needed to prevent further deterioration of the beaches. The health risks associated with swimming in polluted waters cannot be ignored, and it is essential that local authorities prioritize the well-being of both citizens and tourists. Improving the water quality in Barcelona must be a top priority.

In conclusion, the pollution of Barcelona’s beaches with 150 thousand metric tons of sewage over the past 13 years is a severe issue that requires immediate attention. It is imperative that the central administration takes proactive measures to restore the beaches and ensure the well-being of the people. The tenders scheduled until 2025 show a commitment to this cause, but faster action is needed to address the worsening water situation. Barcelona’s beaches are a significant attraction for tourists and must be preserved for future generations to enjoy.


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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.