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Crime Investigations Local News

“Suspect arrested in explosive incident at Ashtarak fortress as investigation continues”

Latest information on the explosion at the military section of Ashtarak fortress was received on November 21. Sources report that two days ago, in the evening, a 41-year-old man entered the courtyard of a building on the same street as Nerses Ashtaraketsi Alley and detonated a bomb. This resulted in a 35-year-old resident being injured and his car being damaged. The information has been verified and confirmed, and on the same day, the suspected perpetrator was arrested.

The incident occurred on the night of November 19 around 2:30 am, causing damages of 100,000 drams, excluding the cost of the damaged mobile phone. The regional police department of Aragatsotn has taken charge of the investigation and is currently working to identify the motive and the person responsible for the crime.

We will continue to follow this developing story as new information becomes available. Stay tuned for updates.


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