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“Mesrop Manukyan Announces Candidacy for Yerevan’s Presidency Amid Controversial Lion Celebration: Calls for Accountability and Ethical Committee to Assess Crisis”

Dear citizens,

I apologize for any inconvenience caused and for not initially believing in your struggle as the oppressed people who witness all of this injustice. It is now time for the lion, symbolizing strength and courage, to embrace this knowledge and overcome these challenges.

On November 22nd, during Yerevan’s lion celebration concert, Mesrop Manukyan announced his candidacy for the Presidency of the Motherland Party of Yerevan. He expressed gratitude to Yerevan’s mayor for appointing him as the first local candidate. Drawing from the film “Seita Nova,” Manukyan spoke about forgetting to read the last lines. Addressing Baron Pambukchyants, he mentioned the clash of opposing opinions and the conflict among the heads of territorial units. Manukyan requested an assessment of this situation, emphasizing the importance of accountability.

According to Manukyan, if the heads of regional administrations do not evaluate the state of affairs, they will bear responsibility for the consequences. He emphasized the need for a legal basis to address this matter in everyday life and stressed the importance of an ethical committee. This committee should have the authority to determine that any member of the lion opposition who does not adhere to proper conduct or does not have the right to be involved in the impeachment process should be removed from their position.

Manukyan invited everyone to think collectively and find a solution. He also demanded an assessment of the badminton players, challenging anyone who assumes that his path to victory will be easy. Manukyan assured that his actions will be consistent and performed within his own field of expertise.


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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.