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“Community Head Faces Criminal Charges for Corrupt Practices, Violations of Labor Rights, and Obstacles to Water Supply”

The head of the community has successfully completed official procedures to combat corrupt practices, labor rights violations, and obstacles to increasing productivity in the water supply sector. According to, the Vayots Dzor Regional Prosecutor’s Office in the Republic of Armenia has initiated a case against S.B., based on official data related to criminal activities committed by this individual. The case focuses on the registration of the spouse and dependents of the said official residing within the community’s territory. This registration aims to transform the identity of residents who share an agricultural background into peasants.

Further investigation reveals that the official, who served as the head of the Zaritap village in Vayots Dzor marz between 2016 and 2021, engaged in organizing the fraudulent registration of agricultural lands. These actions violated the necessary registration requirements and infringed upon the rights and interests of the community’s residents. The opposition members, who actively participated in public trials, contested these violations and secured a victory for themselves and their cause.

Moreover, official documents containing registration signatures from district members have been obtained. These documents confirm that the official reached agreements with his wife and participated in criminal activities alongside them. By providing personal and participation data to his wife and himself, as well as to the public involved in the trials, the official acknowledged their victories and endorsed these documents. Notably, the official deliberately omitted any publication of these official papers in relation to the registration of agricultural lands. This allowed him to avoid involving other participants forcibly and manipulated the sale of agricultural lands to his advantage.

Additionally, upon reviewing the records of his wife and himself, the official endorsed their registration of official participation in the criminal district’s activities. Relying on these documents and their applications, the official’s behavior contradicted the legally registered rights of the opposition and the public records of the community’s residents. It is important to note that the opposition members’ records contain no information regarding the registration of agricultural lands.


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