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“UNICEF Warns: Gas Crisis in Gaza Puts Tens of Thousands of Children at Risk of Fatalities”

Gas can be fatal for tens of thousands of children if the situation is not improved quickly, according to James Elder, the spokesperson for the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Speaking at a press conference in Japan following a visit to MacInfant, a children’s foundation, Elder emphasized the urgent need for improvements in gas availability and clean water in Gaza. He warned that without rapid improvement, the number of children dying in Gaza would significantly increase, making it a matter of life and death for thousands of children.

Elder also highlighted the additional risks facing children in Gaza due to the recent fires caused by incendiary balloons launched by militants. “In order to protect the children, we require sufficient supplies for humanitarian actions, including adequate amounts of water, food, and generators,” stated the spokesperson for the children’s foundation.

It is worth noting that the Committee on the Rights of the Child of UNICEF previously reported that numerous lives have been lost during the recent conflict in Gaza. Shockingly, over 4,600 children lost their lives in just five weeks. These heartbreaking figures emphasize the urgent need for action to address the dire situation in Gaza and protect the lives of innocent children.

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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.