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Finance Government Politics

“Minister of Finance Reveals the Need for Over 77 Million Drams in State Budget Allocation, Assisting Displaced Karabakh Residents”

The need to allocate over 77 million drams in the RA state budget has arisen, as announced by Minister of Finance Vahagn Surenyn during the session of the Standing Committee on State Budget 2023 of the National Assembly on November 21. A significant portion of these funds will be directed towards assisting displaced persons from Karabakh. According to the “Law on the State Budget of the Republic of Armenia for 2023,” up to 3% of the budget can be allocated for resettlement, amounting to approximately 78 million drams in this instance.

It is important to mention that thus far, 74 million drams have already been allocated for resettlement, which accounts for 2.85% of the budget. Surenyn stated, “With the implementation of the programs mentioned today, approximately 145.3 million drams will be required. Additionally, this amount may increase.” However, despite repeated inquiries from the deputies, the Minister did not specify whether a part of the allocated funds is intended for providing financial assistance to residents of Karabakh.

Overall, the commitment to supporting displaced individuals from Karabakh is evident in the proposed allocation of funds in the state budget. As the situation unfolds and further assistance is required, it is essential that transparent communication is maintained regarding the specific breakdown of these funds and the impact they will have on those affected.

As updates continue to emerge, we will keep you informed with the latest news from Armenia regarding financial assistance and the ongoing efforts to address the needs of displaced persons from Karabakh.


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