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Human Rights International Politics

“Head of Judiciary and ICRC Representative Discuss Justice Reforms and Human Rights Protections in Armenia”

The head of the judiciary, Karam Karapetyan, recently held a meeting with Brandt Vukovich, the special representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Man’s Rights of the Council of Europe and the ICRC. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss various important issues related to justice, fairness, enforcement, and the prevention of torture. Karapetyan expressed gratitude to the ICRC for their recognition of their efforts during the recent conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh and for their visits to those who were displaced from the region. The meeting also focused on the reforms implemented by the judiciary, such as the fight against corruption, improvement of detention facilities, protection of human rights, and the enhancement of legal proceedings in criminal and civil justice.

An additional topic of discussion was the fulfillment of international obligations by the Republic of Armenia. This included the ongoing process of prosecuting war crimes and human rights abuses committed during the recent war, as well as addressing refugee issues and institutional problems related to justice. The meeting concluded with an agreement to continue cooperation to further improve the protection of human rights and address any violations that may occur.


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