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Israeli Attorney General Declares Non-Cooperation with International Criminal Court’s Palestine Investigation, Citing Protection of Citizens’ Rights and Fight Against Terrorism

Tel Aviv has stated that it will not cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC) during its investigation of the situation in Palestine, according to Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit in an interview with RIA Novosti. Mandelblit emphasized their commitment to protecting the rights of Israeli citizens and fighting against terrorism as reasons for this decision.

Furthermore, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that Israel does not recognize the authority of the court’s judges in this matter due to their perceived bias. One previous instance cited was the creation of a special group in the Goldstone Tribunal by the ICC in 2009 to investigate war crimes allegations against Israel, which Israel did not acknowledge.

Last Friday, Judge Hrayr Karimyan of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) revealed that he had received answers to five questions during the investigation of the Palestine situation from South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros, and Djibouti. The investigation, initiated in 2021 by Karimyan, pertains to actions occurring from June 13, 2014, in the Gaza Strip and the Armenian quarter, including actions carried out in East Jerusalem.


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