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Around the Globle

“Breaking Boundaries: The Impact of Inclusive Helpers on Families of Children with Special Needs”

When a child with special needs overcomes the challenges of their unique abilities, their family faces a multitude of psychological effects that often go unnoticed by society. The mother, acting as their constant caregiver, becomes their primary source of comfort, disrupting the natural rhythm of the family’s life and impacting the child’s socialization, development, and overall family dynamic. This is especially true in remote areas where rehabilitation centers are scarce, making the assistance of a professional psychologist crucial.

One family that has been traveling down this road is the Ohanyan family, whose son Davit has been wheelchair-bound since birth. Despite the need for specialized rehabilitation, there are no rehabilitation centers available for wheelchair users in their area. That is until they heard about the “Inclusive Helper” program and applied to become an inclusive family in order to benefit from its services.

Davit’s mother, Gayane Margaryan, emphasizes the significance of assistance from an inclusive helper, as it provides a lifeline for families in areas like theirs. “This program is salvation for me,” she says. “There have been situations where I couldn’t reach out and couldn’t solve certain issues for my child. But now, with the help of an inclusive helper, I will have the support and expertise needed to assist Davit. My mother will also play a significant role when it comes to Davit’s growth and health issues. It’s a challenging responsibility, but one that we are grateful for.”

Now in its eighth year, the “Inclusive Helper” program, in partnership with Viva-MTS and the “SORS” Foundation, offers tangible support to children with disabilities. Specially trained inclusive helpers are assigned to each participating family for a period of four months, during which they provide 15 hours of weekly rehabilitation, socialization, and overall improvement for the child. Over the past three years, the program has expanded its reach, positively impacting the lives of families in various regions. In Shahtajur, similar incidents have caused even greater concern among families.

To benefit from the program, participants must spend four months together with their child, integrating knowledgeable helpers who can contribute to the necessary rehabilitation. The responsibilities of these children’s assistants include entertainment, correctional guidance, and specialized support either at the child’s home, school, or other specialized centers. To ensure effectiveness, a mechanism of control is in place. A group of assistants, including psychologists, work with the families on their inclusive plans, organizing weekly meetings to monitor the progress of the child-assistant-caretaker triad.


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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.