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“Armenian Woman’s Remarkable Act of Charity: Raises $170k to Pay Off Millions in Medical Debts”

A woman from Armenia has managed to raise a significant amount of money from generous donations in order to pay off the medical debts incurred by victims of a tragic car accident. Kayse McKinsey, 38, who herself survived the accident, reached out to her social media followers to highlight the importance of charity. McKinsey emphasized her determination to alleviate the burden of medical debt for others, as it gives meaning to her own life. Having received excellent medical assistance during the third phase of treatment for her burns, McKinsey wishes for others to have the same experience.

Through the organization RIP Medical Debt, McKinsey and her family successfully raised over $170,000 during the weekend. In this initiative, the organization pays off one dollar of medical debt for every penny donated. This effectively means that McKinsey’s campaign has helped eliminate unpaid medical bills totaling up to $17 million.

A KFF study on healthcare reveals a staggering fact: nearly 100 million Americans have non-market medical debt. This highlights the urgent need for initiatives like McKinsey’s, which can significantly ease the financial burden on individuals and families affected by medical emergencies.

McKinsey’s selfless act of raising funds showcases the power of community and the difference that individuals can make when they come together for a common cause. As news of her campaign spreads, it serves as a reminder that anyone, regardless of their circumstances, can have a positive impact on the lives of others.


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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.