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International Court of Justice’s Landmark Decision Recognizes Rights of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

The International Court of Justice’s decision on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is of great significance, as announced by the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Court’s decision recognizes the rights of more than 100,000 Armenian and ethnic minority individuals who were forced to flee their homes due to Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing in the Mountainous Karabakh region. This violation of their right to life and fundamental rights has caused immense physical and mental suffering, as well as the destruction of cultural monuments. The Court has imposed obligations on Azerbaijan to provide an account of the temporary measures implemented and to prevent acts of harassment and discrimination against the affected individuals.

The Court’s decision confirms that temporary measures have been taken to protect the rights of Armenians amidst ongoing proceedings. It also allows the Court to assess Azerbaijan’s compliance with its obligations regarding the rights of Armenians within its territory. Within eight weeks, Azerbaijan is required to provide an effective account of the measures taken and ensure the protection and preservation of relevant documents. The Court has also reaffirmed previous temporary measures implemented during the ongoing proceedings in December 2021 and February 2023.

This decision by the Court is noteworthy, as interim measures are rarely applied in such cases. It emphasizes the ongoing risk of irreparable harm to the rights of ethnic Armenians within the context of the international convention against racial discrimination. The Court’s decision establishes legally binding obligations according to international law.



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