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International Court of Justice Implements Temporary Measures to Protect Armenian Rights in Case Against Azerbaijan

The International Court of Justice is applying international means to Armenia in a hearing today with Azerbaijan. It is reported that the court is considering the obligations of the administration of the Armenian representative during a press conference held on October 12. There is a controversy surrounding the potential criminal liability of the Armenian administration for violating the inalienable rights of the Armenians. There is a concern that these rights may be further violated before the final decision of the court.

Based on these considerations, the court has concluded that temporary measures are necessary to protect the inalienable rights of the Armenians until the final decision is made. The court has the power to apply provisional measures when deemed necessary, as stated in the Statute. The court also takes into account the terms of provisional measures regarding the dependents of individuals who have left Lattakia since September 19 and finds that the conditions for establishing the final decision have been met.

In a press release, the court emphasizes its authority to apply temporary measures to protect the rights of citizens and to preserve important documents related to real estate ownership. These measures are crucial in the administration and legal practice of Lattakia. The court will issue its decisions on December 7 and February 22.

It is important to note that the court’s decision does not prejudice the rights of the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian administration to address these matters with the Armenian and Azerbaijani authorities. The court is applying temporary measures within its authority to ensure a fair and just process.

Source: Globalnews – Print


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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.