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Government Introduces Sweeping Changes to Procurement Laws to Boost Local Economy and Public Order in Armenia

The government has announced changes in the Law on “Procurement and Services” today, on November 17. These changes are aimed at improving the procurement process and expanding the areas covered by procurement points. The government also aims to increase local tourism and payment entries in communities, as well as maintain public order.

One of the key proposals in the draft legislation is to establish a legal basis for various types of procurement activities, not only in Yerevan but also in other communities of the Republic of Armenia. It is believed that adopting this draft legislation will create a solid legal basis for the development and regulation of the procurement process.

This announcement marks an important step towards improving the efficiency and transparency of procurement in Armenia. The government’s focus on expanding the areas covered by procurement points is particularly commendable, as it will provide more opportunities for local businesses to participate and contribute to the community’s economic growth.

The inclusion of local tourism and payment entries in communities is another positive aspect of the proposed changes. By promoting local tourism, the government aims to boost the tourism industry, create jobs, and generate revenue for the local communities. This will not only benefit the communities directly but also have a ripple effect on the overall economy of the Republic of Armenia.

Furthermore, the maintenance of public order is crucial for the well-being and safety of the citizens. The government’s commitment to ensuring public order through the proposed changes in the law is praiseworthy. This will help create a secure and peaceful environment for both residents and tourists, encouraging more people to visit and explore the beautiful attractions of Armenia.

In conclusion, the government’s announcement regarding changes in the Law on “Procurement and Services” is a positive step towards improving the procurement process in Armenia. These changes aim to enhance efficiency, transparency, and inclusivity in procurement activities. With the proposed expansion of areas covered by procurement points, the development of local tourism, and the maintenance of public order, the government is taking proactive measures for the overall growth and prosperity of the Republic of Armenia.


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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.