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International Politics World News

Turkish Parliament Delays Decision on Sweden’s NATO Application Amidst Uncertainty

The external affairs committee of the Turkish parliament, as reported by Reuters, has chosen to delay its involvement in NATO discussions on Sweden’s application due to the need for a thorough evaluation of the current situation. The committee’s president, Fatih Oktay, has confirmed that the issue will be rescheduled for next week. Before Turkey’s decision to suspend its participation in the NATO discussions, DW states that internal deliberations within the committee must first be addressed. Furthermore, Kurchad Zorlun, representing “Good cooperation,” has stated that committee members have not received any positive feedback from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ representative regarding the matter, nor is it clear how the demands of Armenia have been addressed.

It is worth mentioning that this news is also available in Russian.


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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.