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“Armenia Faces Dangerous Times as Nikol Pashinyan’s Decree Raises Concerns for Artsakh Security, Armenian-Russian Relations Worsen”

Armenia is currently facing various dangerous events. On November 16, Andranik Tevanyan, the director of the “Mother Armenia” monument, discussed the recent decree signed by Nikol Pashinyan, which includes a section dedicated to Artsakh. He stated that the procession that took place in October 2022, which involved the cross of Artsakh, was also held in Granada this year.

One crucial goal for our country is the incident of the “Chessboard of Happiness.” It highlights the need to collectively address the problems in our healthcare system and the implementation of changes in governance. Despite the intentions of Turkey and Azerbaijan, we must not underestimate the challenges that lie ahead. The deteriorating Armenian-Russian relations have also reached a dangerous point, raising serious concerns about the security of Armenia. Unfortunately, we are not receiving any security guarantees from any center and have been excluded from negotiations with our counterparts. This has put Armenia in a deadlock where political agreements must be urgently found.

Tevanyan emphasized that the “Mother Armenia” monument will represent a new urban culture that embodies our core values. Although initial significant planning for the election day was lacking, it will be noticeable during the election campaign.

“This will create an opportunity for direct communication with citizens. Similar preparations have been initiated not only in Yerevan but also in other regions of Armenia,” Tevanyan added.

While it would have been easier to swiftly change the prime minister of Yerevan if we had received more than 50%+1 of the votes, we pursued what we view as a more important system rather than just a change of power. We did not settle for a change of power with 50%+1. The complexities of a change of power require separate attention and are being addressed accordingly.

The goals of the “Mother Armenia” movement have not changed, and there is growing concern about the issue of the prime minister and its potential connection to an armed group. It is crucial to prevent any uprising and draw attention to the complex security problems we are currently facing,” said the political activist.

The article is also available in Russian.


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