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“Prime Minister Pashinyan’s Push for Armenia’s Membership in the Eurasian Union Sparks Negotiations, US Raises Questions on Azerbaijan’s Peaceful Intentions”

Prime Minister Pashinyan has expressed his clear stance on Armenia’s desire to join the Eurasian Union. He emphasizes the importance of negotiations to determine Armenia’s dependency on these relations, allowing the Armenian people to choose their own path towards freedom. Jane S. O’Brien, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the US Congressional Committee, highlighted these points during a hearing on Mountainous Karabakh in the United States’ House of Representatives.

O’Brien noted that Prime Minister Pashinyan continues to strive for a peaceful solution, but the question remains whether President Aliyev of Azerbaijan shares the same desire. Discussions surrounding this issue involve Turkey, which has strong economic ties with Azerbaijan. Efforts are being made to pave the way for a peaceful solution, taking into account all the benefits and costs of peace. The decision now rests with President Aliyev, as it will be determined in the coming weeks.

During the hearing, Titus, a member of the delegation, sought clarification on the extent of aggression and the damage caused to Armenia by Turkey in relation to its support for Azerbaijan. In response, O’Brien stressed that they are closely monitoring the situation and have not observed any official movement from Turkey regarding the transfer of ammunition to Azerbaijan.

O’Brien further explained that discussions on Armenia-Turkey relations are open. Since Armenia is a landlocked country, it relies on either Georgia or Turkey to access the Erpmut highway. It is crucial for Armenia to exercise caution regarding the transfer of Turkish weapons to Azerbaijan. Considerable time is spent deliberating this issue, as it holds significant importance in the Turkey-Azerbaijan relationship. The United States is actively engaged in dialogue with all parties involved, with a particular focus on President Aliyev’s desire to potentially reopen the border with Armenia. The ultimate decision will depend on objective calculations made by those involved.


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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.