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Government Health Lifestyle

“Minister of Health Reveals Shocking Statistics: Over Half of Population’s Health Suffering from Lifestyle Choices”

During a session of the National Assembly on November 15, the Minister of Health of the Republic, Anahit Avanesyan, revealed that over 50% of people are experiencing health problems as a result of their lifestyle choices. Lawmakers raised concerns about the measures being taken to tackle the escalating energy deficiencies associated with unhealthy food and lifestyle choices, to which Avanesyan responded. She emphasized the importance of maintaining good health through a healthy lifestyle, which includes engaging in sports, consuming nutritious and high-quality food, and refraining from bad habits.

“While doctors can treat us for various diseases, they cannot restore our health,” Avanesyan declared. She explained that there is a particular focus on improving children’s nutrition and raising awareness in kindergartens and schools. In addition to promoting a healthy diet as a means of preventing diseases, active propaganda campaigns are also addressing various aspects of nutrition and other related issues.

This announcement brings attention to the critical issue of improving public health in Armenia. With over half of the population facing health problems, it is evident that lifestyle choices play a significant role in these issues. Avanesyan’s assertion that health cannot be fully restored solely through medical interventions highlights the importance of prevention and overall healthy living.

The government’s emphasis on children’s nutrition and awareness is commendable, as instilling good habits early in life can have long-lasting effects. By promoting healthy eating and educating children about the benefits of a balanced diet, Armenia is taking proactive steps towards building a healthier future for its citizens.

The active propaganda campaigns are a positive initiative as well. By addressing not only the importance of healthy eating but also other related issues, such as physical activity and the impact of bad habits, the government is aiming to create a comprehensive approach to public health. Encouraging individuals to make informed choices and providing them with the necessary information and resources is crucial in successfully combating lifestyle-related health problems.

In conclusion, the Minister of Health’s announcement sheds light on the pressing issue of poor health caused by lifestyle choices in Armenia. Through promoting healthy living and prioritizing children’s nutrition and awareness, the government is taking important steps towards improving public health. The active propaganda campaigns further support these efforts by addressing various aspects of nutrition and other related factors. By emphasizing prevention and overall well-being, Armenia is striving to create a healthier nation.


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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.