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Military Politics

“Armenia’s Defense Minister asserts country’s right to possess military equipment amidst supply controversy”

Armenia’s Defense Minister, Illya Darchinyan, has stated that every country has the right to possess defense capabilities, including military or destructive technologies allowed by international agreements. This statement was made in response to questions regarding the supply of military equipment to Armenia from France, which will be located within Armenian territory. Darchinyan emphasized that Armenia believes both countries have the right to utilize their transit functions under equal conditions. He further clarified that Armenia does not and will not participate in the Aegis, while also highlighting the country’s positive relations and cooperation with neighboring countries Turkey and Azerbaijan.

This recent development in Armenia’s defense capabilities has sparked significant interest. Darchinyan’s response sheds light on the country’s stance, stating that any nation has a legitimate right to possess military technologies permitted by international agreements. By emphasizing the equal conditions regarding the use of transit function, Armenia expresses its commitment to fairness and equal opportunities.

In addition, the Defense Minister’s statement regarding Armenia’s non-participation in the Aegis showcases the country’s strategic decisions. By choosing not to engage in this particular format, Armenia may be aiming to pursue alternative defense strategies that align more closely with its national interests.

It is worth noting that Armenia maintains friendly relations and cooperation with neighboring countries, such as Turkey and Azerbaijan. This highlights the country’s dedication to fostering positive diplomatic ties and collaborating with neighboring nations in various contexts.

In conclusion, the recent interview with Armenia’s Defense Minister provides insightful information about the country’s defense capabilities and diplomatic relationships. Darchinyan’s statements emphasize Armenia’s commitment to its rights under international agreements while promoting peace and cooperation with neighboring countries. This news carries significant importance, as it sheds light on Armenia’s position and aspirations in the realm of defense and foreign affairs.


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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.