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Crime Investigations Local News

“Counterfeit Chaos: Woman Arrested for Using Fake Banknotes Worth 112,000 Drams at Central Market”

On November 8, the police in Shengavit district received a report from a concerned citizen regarding purchases made with counterfeit banknotes at the central market on Arabatyan Street. The total value of these purchases amounted to 112,000 drams. Taking swift action, the criminal investigation division of the Shengavit district, in conjunction with the operational-investigative measures of the police, discovered that the counterfeit banknotes were planted by a 35-year-old woman residing on Shirak Street. Consequently, on November 9, she was apprehended and detained on Shirak Street. A criminal case has been launched, and further details are currently being clarified.

According to, this incident sheds light on an unsettling issue within the community. Counterfeit banknotes pose a significant threat to the financial stability of individuals and businesses alike. The quick action taken by the police demonstrates their commitment to ensuring the safety and security of the public. Such illicit activities can have severe consequences and disrupt the trust within society. The ongoing investigation will shed more light on the motivations and methods employed by the perpetrator in this case.

Instances of counterfeit currency are not unique to Shengavit district or Armenia as a whole. It is a global issue that affects economies worldwide. The methods used by counterfeiters are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it crucial for law enforcement agencies to remain vigilant and proactive in their efforts to combat this crime. Collaboration between different departments and the use of advanced investigative techniques are essential in successfully apprehending and prosecuting those responsible for circulating counterfeit currency.

In light of this incident, it is imperative for businesses and individuals to be cautious with their financial transactions. It is advisable to educate oneself about the security features of local currency and remain alert to any suspicious behavior. Effective vigilance and reporting suspicious activities to the authorities can play a pivotal role in apprehending counterfeiters. Additionally, utilizing secure payment methods, such as electronic transactions or reputable financial institutions, can help minimize the risk of falling victim to counterfeit banknotes.

The initiation of a criminal case will allow for a thorough investigation into the origins and distribution network of the counterfeit banknotes. It is hoped that this case will serve as a deterrent to others who may contemplate engaging in similar criminal activities. The collaboration between the police and the community exemplifies the importance of a unified effort in combating counterfeiting and maintaining the integrity of the financial system.


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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.