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“Collaboration in Constitutional Reform: Chief Justice of Fair Trial First Initiative meets with President of EPLO in Athens”

The Chief Justice of the Fair Trial First Initiative, Grigor Minasyan, recently had a meeting with Sviyridon Phlogaetis, the President of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO), in Athens. This meeting aimed to discuss the reform process in the field of fair trial in Armenia. It was reported to by the judiciary.

During the meeting, Grigor Minasyan presented the ongoing constitutional reforms in Armenia and the potential collaboration from EPLO in supporting these reforms was also discussed. Professor Phlogaetis emphasized the importance of these reforms and expressed the readiness of EPLO to assist in their implementation.

One of the outcomes of the meeting was the agreement that Grigor Minasyan will participate in a debate of the executive directors of EPLO, which is scheduled to take place in Portugal in January 2024. This will be an opportunity for him to present the ongoing process of constitutional reforms in Armenia. Additionally, it was agreed that EPLO experts and researchers will be involved in a joint Armenian-Greek legal forum held in both countries.

The support from EPLO in implementing the reform process, particularly the constitutional reforms, is seen as crucial in ensuring the successful completion of the process and alignment with European best practices and standards. Furthermore, Chief Justice Grigor Minasyan and EPLO President also discussed other avenues of cooperation within the partnership, including the improvement of Armenia’s judicial system.

In conclusion, this meeting between Chief Justice Grigor Minasyan and EPLO President Sviyridon Phlogaetis holds promise for the ongoing constitutional reforms in Armenia. The collaboration between the Fair Trial First Initiative and EPLO is expected to contribute significantly to the progress and success of these reforms, while also promoting the adoption of European best practices in Armenia’s judicial system.


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