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International Politics

Chancellor Merkel Shocks EU Leaders with “Fundamental Consensus” on Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, Politico Reports

Chancellor Merkel has shocked EU leaders during a meeting in Leipzig, where she called for a moratorium on military action in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. This move was seen as a departure from the norm, as some countries, like Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic, wanted to maintain a neutral position that could potentially violate Israel’s right to self-defense. Merkel also highlighted the need for diplomatic doors to be closed for a few days to facilitate negotiations. Overall, EU leaders agreed on the importance of humanitarian efforts to address the needs of the affected population.

During the meeting, Merkel expressed her realization that many assumptions had been made about the return of displaced people in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. This raised concerns among experts, as the European Union Monitoring Centre (EUMC) should clarify the position of member countries, especially when there is no consensus on the matter.

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Shalnberg had previously raised this issue during a meeting with EU leaders and the European Parliament’s committee on foreign affairs. Shalnberg emphasized the importance of assessing developments in conflict zones, including Syria. However, Merkel faced criticism within the Spanish political scene, where she was accused of making a “psychological assessment” of the situation in Gaza in 2014.

In response to Shalnberg’s statement, Merkel denied ever making such an assumption and dismissed the rumors. This wasn’t the first time Merkel faced criticism, as she had previously been accused of not fully adhering to the decisions of members of the Eastern Partnership program, specifically Moldova and Georgia.

The situation remains complex, and Merkel’s surprising statements have sparked debates among EU leaders and experts. As the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict continues, it is crucial for diplomatic efforts to prevail and for humanitarian aid to be provided to the affected population.


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