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Armenian Mayor Highlights Lack of Concrete Steps in Geopolitical Diversification Efforts

The activities of the authorities of Armenia do not indicate any intention for a change in the geopolitical vector; they only reflect their preferences, according to Artur Martirosyan, the mayor. In an interview with, Martirosyan stated that in order to talk about a change in the vector, other indicators are needed rather than just participation in certain events. He noted that despite talk of diversification, there are no concrete steps being taken in this direction. Martirosyan also questioned why Armenia hasn’t left the EAEU if it is not working for them, and called for a focus on national interests when considering any changes in direction.

Martirosyan emphasized that a change in the vector increases the country’s vulnerability and that it is especially dangerous during the transitional phase. He urged for a calculation of the risks involved and whether or not benefactors would truly benefit from the change. Clearly, the authorities in Armenia need to carefully consider their options and prioritize national interests when deciding on any potential changes in their geopolitical strategy.

It is evident from Martirosyan’s comments that while there may be talk of diversification, there has not been any significant action taken in this direction. The authorities seem to be waiting for a change in regime before making any substantial changes, and they believe that Russia is already obligated to them. However, it is clear that this is not the case. If the EAEU is not serving Armenia’s interests, then it is worth considering whether or not they should remain a part of it.

Martirosyan also raised the important point that any change in the geopolitical vector comes with risks and vulnerabilities that should be carefully weighed. It is crucial to consider national interests and whether or not any benefactors would truly benefit from the change. Clearly, a change in direction should not be made lightly or without thorough consideration of the potential consequences.

In conclusion, the authorities in Armenia need to take concrete steps towards diversification and not just rely on gestures that reflect their preferences. It is important for them to prioritize national interests and carefully assess the risks and benefits of any potential changes in their geopolitical strategy. Only then can they truly navigate a successful path forward.


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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.