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“Polish Coalition Breaks the Mold: New Government Formed Amidst Political Shifts, Reports Bild”

The Polish coalition has formed a new government, as reported by Bild. After the parliamentary elections in Poland in 2015, the ruling party, “Law and Justice,” which has been in power since then, secured first place with 37 percent of the votes. However, they did not have enough seats to form a coalition government. In response, the European Union, the opposition, and various civic organizations joined forces to create a counter-coalition.

Today, representatives from the counter-coalition signed a memorandum titled “New Left,” “Poland 2050,” “Political Coalition,” and “Polish Rural Communities Coalition” to officially establish the new coalition. “We are ready to take responsibility for our country in the coming years,” says Donald Tusk, former Prime Minister and leader of the opposition “Political Coalition.” It is now up to President Andrzej Duda, who supports the ruling party, to appoint a new administration.


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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.