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EU Stands Firm in Supporting Armenia and Strengthening Bilateral Relations

The European Union’s political line towards Armenia has been supportive and aims to enhance bilateral relations. During the EUMM Ministerial meeting held in Brussels on November 13-14, the issue was raised in the context of external actions by the top officials.

The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU, Federica Mogherini, stated during the briefing that the EU acknowledges Armenia’s commitment to the ceasefire in the context of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations and its initiatives aimed at confidence-building measures. “Based on our information from the negotiating table, there is an agreement on the terms of the peace agreement, which is currently being implemented. We greatly appreciate that Armenia’s Prime Minister has recognized the comprehensive nature of the military situation in Azerbaijan’s Nagorno-Karabakh region. We also have high hopes for Armenia,” stated Mogherini.

The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy emphasized that the EU’s engagement in Armenia-Azerbaijan relations should continue based on the principles of peace and security in Europe. She also added that despite the challenges, particularly concerning border incidents and demarcation issues, the EU is committed to addressing these problems that still exist on the negotiating table between the two countries.

“Our political line towards Armenia is supportive, and we want to continue working closely with the country, especially to bring great confidence to the Armenian people. We want to continue the high-level dialogue with Armenia within the framework of the Eastern Partnership. This is an important rule from the European perspective,” said Mogherini.

Regarding the question of whether discussions are underway in Armenia on expanding the mandate of the OSCE monitoring mission, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy stated that she has not yet discussed the matter in detail but hopes to continue the discussions on Armenia’s involvement and other topics.

According to the official, there is a political dialogue between the EU and Armenia on security and political interests, and the EU is willing to continue the dialogue on Armenia’s implementation and other related issues.

Translated from Armenian. Original article Source:


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