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“US Calls for International Talks on ‘Mountainous Karabakh’ Conflict, Sets November 15 Deadline”

Representatives of the United States have recently announced an important development in the ongoing efforts to resolve the “Mountainous Karabakh” conflict. The international committee of negotiators has extended an invitation to European counterparts for talks, which are scheduled to take place on November 15. This meeting will be attended by influential figures such as James O’Brien, the US Ambassador to the European Union, and Alexander Sokolov, the Director of the European and Eurasian Bureau.

It is worth noting that these discussions are in line with the United States’ commitment towards international peacekeeping. By bringing together key players from both the United States and Europe, this dialogue aims to foster a collaborative approach to resolving the complex issue of the “Mountainous Karabakh” conflict.

The involvement of the US Ambassador to the European Union and the European and Eurasian Affairs Coordinator signifies the importance placed on finding a peaceful solution to this long-standing dispute. Their expertise and diplomatic efforts will contribute significantly to the negotiations and provide a platform for constructive dialogue between the parties involved.

News of this upcoming talk has garnered attention not only in the United States but also in Armenia and beyond. In Armenia, where the conflict has had a profound impact on the lives of its citizens, this announcement offers hope for a resolution that will bring about lasting peace and stability.

As the discussions draw near, anticipation is building among those closely following the progress of the negotiations. The spotlight will be on the various proposals and initiatives put forward by the participating countries, as they seek to find common ground and address the underlying causes of the conflict.


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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.