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Human Rights International

“UN Allocates 1.5 Million Swiss Francs to Assist Armenia and Region in Humanitarian Efforts”

The UN is increasing its assistance to Armenia and the region by allocating 1.5 million Swiss francs to support the humanitarian efforts between the main human rights organizations. More than 100,000 people have crossed from Karabakh to Armenia in the past week to seek safety, food, shelter, and other necessities, according to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Armenia. The international community, the Government of Armenia, and civil society are working together to create the best conditions for their reception and support, particularly in relation to mental health and psychosocial assistance.

Switzerland has allocated 1.5 million Swiss francs to support the humanitarian work of the respective organizations, namely the UN, the Red Cross, and the UN Children’s Fund, to improve access to services for those affected, enhance public safety, and increase social cohesion. One of the programs being implemented is the “REBCA” program (Rehabilitation and Restoration of Border Communities of Armenia), which is receiving a grant of 500,000 Swiss francs from Switzerland. This program aims to support the rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts of the affected communities. It also includes additional measures to increase the income and improve the living conditions of the population, as well as provide psycho-social and psychological support. The program also has the objective of strengthening the government’s capacity to respond to and prevent future crises.

A portion of the 500,000 Swiss francs will be dedicated to the joint project of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Armenian Red Cross. This project focuses on providing psycho-social and humanitarian support services to address the mental health and psychosocial needs of the affected population. The ICRC will also continue to support the efforts of the Government of Armenia in clarifying the fate of missing persons, with special attention given to the families of missing persons.

This financing will be provided until 2023 to support the activities of the ICRC in implementing its programs in the region and addressing the already identified needs of the affected population.

News from Armenia –


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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.